Dry Eyes & Dry Eye Disease (DED)

Do your eyes ever feel gritty, scratchy, burning or stinging? Do they tear excessively and is your vision sometimes blurred? Do you regularly use artificial tears? Do you avoid low humidity/windy/drafty places knowing it will irritate your eyes?  

These are all signs of dry eye disease. 

Dry eye disease afflicts 30% of Canadians. It causes significant quality of life issues for many and can show up as early as age 20 but worsens with age. DED is caused by dysfunction in the tear film that protects and lubricates the surface of the eye. Most individuals with DED have evaporative dry eye caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). The meibomian glands produce an oil that is critical to the composition of the tear film.    

If there is insufficient oil in the tears, the tears evaporate quickly leaving the surface of the eye very dry. If the surface is dry the action of blinking can cause corneal abrasions resulting in irritation, pain, redness, foreign body sensation and visual disturbances.  

MGD is typically a chronic condition caused by insufficient oil production and clogged meibomian ducts.  

Treatment Options

Book a consultation with our expert medical team.