Body Contouring
Some types of body can be really resistant to fat loss through diet and exercise. Those resistant love handles, that tummy bulge, or the pocket on the hips that just won’t cooperate.
The BTL Vanquish METM (Maximum Energy), a Health Canada approved, next generation, non-invasive Radio Frequency device has won the prestigious 2017 Aesthetic Industry Award for “Best Non-Surgical Body Shaping Device.”
This first-of-its-kind contact-less treatment device creates a high-frequency energy field in the targeted area which heats up and destroys fat cells while protecting surrounding tissue. Say goodbye to those pesky fat cells permanently. Complimentary BTL Cellutone treatment is included with Vanquish to enhance fat loss and improve the appearance of cellulite. So, if you want to make a change — and need a little extra help with that stubborn belly fat etc — we can help.
Body Contouring Treatment Options