
Reduce Submental Chin Fat | Double Chin Treatment

What is Belkyra™? 

Belkyra™ is Deoxycholate acid. Deoxycholate is a naturally occurring bile acid found in the gallbladder. This bile acid is responsible for the break down and absorption of dietary fats. Deoxycholic acid is a synthetic form of deoxycholate which can be injected to break down local fat desposits.  Deoxycholic acid has been used in non-surgical cosmetic treatments for localized fat reduction for over a decade, both in Europe and North America. 

A commercially available form of deoxycholate acid can be used to reduce submental fat under the chin, otherwise known as a ‘double chin’. When injected into fat layers underneath the chin, deoxycholic acid causes the destruction of these fat cells resulting in permanent fat reduction.  

How is deoxycholic acid treatment done? 

After numbing the area, a series of superficial injections of deoxycholic acid are made into the superficial fat under the chin. Deoxycholic acid disrupts the cell membrane of fat cells leading to inflammation and fat cell destruction. 

What happens to the fat? Your body has significant capacity to remove free fatty acids and glycerol, safely and effectively. Once the fat is released from the destroyed fat cells it is transported to your liver for processing or through your kidneys for natural elimination. With a few treatments, deoxycholic acid can provide an effective solution for significantly reducing or eliminating a double chin without surgery. 

Many patients experienced visible results in two to four treatments, although up to six treatments may be necessary and each treatment is done a minimum of 2 months apart.  Swelling after treatment is common and largely resolves within a week but may persist for up to 3 weeks after treatment. 

Begin your skin journey. Book a consultation with one of our expert Nurse Injectors.

Conditions to treat with Belkyra™

Belkyra™ FAQ’s

  • Belkyra™ is a Health Canada approved, safe injectable substance that is used to reduce, and potentially eliminate, fat under the chin. This fat under the chin, otherwise known as submental adipose tissue, commonly called a double chin, is slowly dissolved by Belkyra™ injections, and the result is a non-surgical and non-invasive removal of the double chin.

  • A double chin is an unwanted collection of fat under the chin. It forms a convex distension that takes the appearance of a double, triple or even quadruple chin. Unfortunately, double chins can be unrelated to weight and lifestyle. Often double chins are hereditary and as a result, are very difficult to lose. Weight will usually target generalized fat collections, but often the double chin or triple chin will remain.

  • Belkyra™ Injectable is a non-animal, non-human, synthetic chemical substance that can be found in smaller quantities in the human body. It is a lecithin type of chemical that can disrupt the cell membrane of fat cells, releasing their contents and break them down safely and effectively

  • The Belkyra™ Injectable procedure involves a thorough consultation with an ArtMed injection specialist. During the consultation double chin patients will find out if they are candidates for Belkyra™ injections and their submental adipose tissue is assessed (mild, moderate or severe). Belkrya™ Injectable is non-invasive, and no incision or energy devices are required for the medication to work. The skin will be anesthetized for several minutes prior to the injections which are done with a very small needle. An injection grid is applied to the double chin, which facilitates very accurate administration of small doses of the Belkyra™Injectable evenly to the necessary areas of the double chin fat. A minimum of two treatments are required, and efficacy will most likely only be seen after the second treatment, although some patients will see results sooner. There may be a slight stinging sensation at the injection site, and swelling 24 – 48 hours post procedure as a result of the injections, however, the swelling is a sign that the medication is working.

  • The Belkrya™ Injectable disrupt the cell membrane of the fat cells that cause the double chin. When the cell membrane of the fat cell is disrupted, the contents of the fat cell, the glycerol and free fatty acids are leaked into the surrounding subcutaneous space. The contents that are leaked in the interstitial space are harmless and the body has a tremendous capacity to naturally remove free fatty acids and glycerol quite safely and effectively. The contents of the fat cell that are released are taken back to the liver for natural processing or through the kidney for elimination. There is no increased risk for atherosclerotic disease or heart disease from the small amounts of adipose cells and fat cells that are broken down using Belkyra™ Injectable.

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