Double Chin

Few aesthetic issues are as troublesome as the appearance of a double chin, technically known as ‘submental fullness’. It prematurely ages the face, belies one’s true facial shape and size, and is often resistant to diet and exercise. 

Fortunately there is finally help – BelkyraTM! This Health Canada approved, safe, injectable treatment to permanently reduce fat beneath the chin is a permanent solution to reduce submental fat. For the appropriate patient it can provide a surgical level result without surgery. Come in to ArtMed for a consultation to see if you’re a good candidate for BelkyraTM. You will love your profile again! 

Treatment Options

Begin your skin journey. Book a consultation with one of our expert team members.

Chin & Jawline Product Recommendations

Vivier GrenzCine Neck
Vivier Retinol 1% Night Repair