ProFractional Laser Treatment

Treat Scars from Acne, Injury or Surgery | Improve Stretch Marks | Improve Deep Wrinkles

What is ProFractional™ Resurfacing?

ProFractional™ is an ablative, fractionated laser treatment which is part of the industry-leading Sciton laser system.  ProFractional™ is used to treat significant skin issues such as scars (acne, injury, surgical), stretch marks and deeper wrinkles.

How does it work?

Fractional lasers (such as ProFrac) are adjustable to treat a certain percentage (or fraction) of the skin (eg. 20% or 30%) and adjustable to treat to a particular skin depth.  Ablative lasers vaporize tissue to stimulate maximum remodeling of the skin (as opposed to just heating tissue). Consequently, ProFractional™ is both highly effective and customizable to the needs of the patient.  

ProFractional™ can also treat to a greater skin depth than many other lasers. Multiple treatments are typically required to achieve optimal results. Topical prescription strength numbing cream is applied before treatment (and optional nitrous oxide is also available) to ensure a comfortable experience. Injectable freezing may occasionally be used for deeper resurfacing. Treatments are typically quick and downtime is variable from 4-10 days.  Combining ProFractional™ treatment with PRP post-treatment or Alastin pre and post treatment can shorten downtime and optimize treatment results. 

A consultation with one of our highly experienced medical laser technicians is always required. They will assess your condition and goals and recommend a custom treatment plan to best suited to your aimsm down-time tolerance and budget. 

Begin your skin journey. Book a consultation with one of our Medical Aestheticians/Laser Technicians.

Conditions to treat with ProFractional™ Laser

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