Neck & Chest

Elegant, strong, beautiful, long and graceful — we often think of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti as the beauty icon for a stunning neck.  Even though the neck is highly visible it is often neglected in our beauty care routine and the skin of the neck is naturally much thinner than the face and much drier.  The result is that the neck ages more quickly. Don’t let your neck give you away!   

The neck is also particularly prone to Poikiloderma of Civatte – a benign skin condition that results in marked pigmentation that is reddish/brown on the sides of the neck.   

The chest or décolletage is similarly neglected and angled such that it is particularly subject to the damaging effects of the sun. 

ArtMed offers numerous options for neck and decolletage treatments including injectables to in improve thickness and texture and lasers to improve colour and skin quality.  Topical pharmaceutical agents are also available to treat and prevent neck skin issues. 

Even though scarves are lovely, a beautiful and healthy neck/décolletage are even better. 

Treatment Options

Begin your skin journey. Book a consultation with one of our expert team members.

Neck & Chest Product Recommendations

Vivier GrenzCine Neck
Vivier CE Peptides