Insurance Coverage FAQ’s & Information for BOTOX®, XEOMIN® and EMSELLA®

FAQ’s Regarding Insurance Coverage of BOTOX® or XEOMIN®

  • If you have third party medical insurance, your private drug coverage may cover Botox or Xeomin injections for certain medical conditions.

  • Botox injections for chronic migraine, hyperhidrosis (excess sweating) and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or grinding may be covered by insurance. Rarely, a company may also approve Xeomin for this use.

  • Insurers are unlikely to approve your request for coverage unless you have tried other medical treatments or options first. In other words, they will not cover Botox treatments if you haven’t tried anything else before (for example drug therapy), or if you’ve not been previously seen and diagnosed by a medical practitioner for this condition.

  • For chronic migraine: when were you diagnosed? How long have you had migraines? How often do you get them? How many headache and headache-free days do you have per month? Have you seen a neurologist? Have you had a formal diagnosis or diagnostic studies (eg. MRI) What medication do you presently take? What have you tried and not found to work? Have you had medication side effects or intolerances?

    For hyperhidrosis: how long have you suffered with it? Have you been formally diagnosed by a doctor? Have you tried any treatments eg. Drysol? Did it work? How long did you use it? Did you have side effects or problems with treatment?

    For TMJ: have you seen a doctor or dentist for this condition? Have you been fitted with a night guard? How long have you used a night guard? Has your dentist recommended treatment with Botox for TMJ? Why? (cracked teeth, gum inflammation, wearing away enamel) Have you used any medications to treat this condition?

  • Migraine: every 3 months

    Hyperhidrosis: every 6 to 12 months

    TMJ: every 4-6 months

  • You must contact your insurance provider to inquire about whether your particular plan covers treatment with Botox or Xeomin for the condition in question.

  • Your insurer is likely to require you to complete a form to request approval for the use of a neurotoxin (Botox or Xeomin) for your condition. They will supply the form. Typically, the form will require a section to be completed by you and a section to be completed by your family physician or the treating physician you hope to see.

  • Yes, your family physician can complete the form which is especially useful if you’ve seen them before for your condition or if they’ve prescribed treatments for your condition.

  • No, we will send it in. Please carefully complete the sections you must fill out prior to your consultation and we will complete the sections that must be filled out by a doctor or nurse practitioner. At that point we will fax your form to your insurer.

  • Item Your insurance company will only cover the cost of your medication (Botox or Xeomin) and will not cover the cost to have your treatment administered. Keep your receipts however, because the cost of administration is a medical expense and can be claimed at tax time. The cost for injection administration at ArtMed is as follows:

    Chronic migraine $175 injection fee

    Hyperhidrosis $ 225 injection fee

    TMJ $150 injection fee*

    *Some individuals will pay for the cost of their TMJ treatment up front and seek reimbursement directly from their insurer.

  • Yes, you should book a consultation appointment with the doctor or nurse practitioner at ArtMed so that a proper evaluation and review of your past medical history and previous treatments can be undertaken to determine if Botox is appropriate for your medical condition. There is a $75 fee for this consultation appointment.

  • Yes, we will complete the section that is required to be filled out by a medical professional. However, it is very important to understand that insurance companies will require information about your past medical history related to the medical concern. ArtMed cannot complete the form without this information. There is a $40 fee to have this form completed by our doctor or nurse practitioner.

  • Your form will be faxed by ArtMed to your insurance company for approval. They may approve or deny your request for coverage. You cannot proceed with treatment with insured coverage until you have approval from your insurer. It typically takes 5 to 14 days to hear back from the insurer. They will fax back their decision to our office. We will contact you then. If they approve your request, you can then proceed with booking an appointment for the procedure.

  • You must take this up with your insurance company. You can certainly proceed with treatment and pay for it yourself. If you are considering that please book an appointment to discuss it with one of our doctors or nurses.

  • You cannot use your insured Botox to treat for cosmetic purposes. In fact, this is considered insurance fraud. This doesn’t mean that you can’t treat for cosmetic purposes in cosmetic injection areas at the same visit, it just means that you will have to pay for the cosmetic portion of your treatment separately and at the usual rate for Botox or Xeomin ($10.60 per unit).

  • Follow-up is important as is tracking the progress of your treatment. Insurance companies may on occasion audit you or your physician to see if treatment is being provided according to their requirements and standards. In the case of migraine patients, it is important to keep a heachache diary or use the Canadian migraine tracker (online tool). Regular follow up according to the timeframes set out in #15 above is recommended so that your progress can be tracked and recorded. Medication use, for TMJ changes in dental status (cracked teeth, periodontal issues etc) should be regularly updated in your chart.

FAQs Emsella Third Party Insurance Coverage 


  • Emsella is a non-invasive high-tech treatment for stress and urge incontinence. OHIP does not cover this treatment modality at this time. Emsella would be considered a type of physiotherapy treatment. There is hope that OHIP may cover this procedure at some point in the future but that is likely many years from now.

  • At present, treatment with Emsella is not covered by third party insurance. However, most third-party insurers do cover the cost of pelvic floor physiotherapy. At ArtMed you can access a pelvic floor physiotherapist and submit a portion of your Emsella fees to your insurer (the portion that represents the care provided by a pelvic floor physiotherapist who may recommend Emsella as part of a comprehensive treatment plan). THE PELVIC FLOOR THERAPIST IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE. WE ARE NOT ABLE TO OFFER INSURANCE COVERAGE AT THIS TIME.

  • Emsella involves an initial consult followed by 8 treatments and the cost for this is $2000 which reflects the high cost of this cutting-edge technology (similar to an MRI machine).

  • For individuals with third party insurance:

    • Initial consultation: $160 ($160 can be submitted for insurance coverage)

    • 2X per week Emsella treatments X 4 weeks plus one visit with pelvic floor physiotherapist each week. Cost: $500 per week of which $140 can be billed to insurance.


    • 1X per week Emsella treatment X 8 weeks and biweekly visits with the pelvic floor physiotherapist Cost: $250 per week of which $140 can be billed every other week to insurance.

    Total cost: Initial consultation $160 + Emsella Treatments $2000 = $2160

    Total portion that can be submitted to insurance = $160 + 4x$140 = $720*

    *Note that this is the portion that you can submit to your insurer. How much your insurance plan will reimburse depends on the coverage and the co-pays of your plan. Check with your insurer to determine your overall coverage for physiotherapy and what % will be reimbursed.

  • You will receive two separate receipts if you are planning to submit the physiotherapy portion for reimbursement to your insurer. One receipt will reflect the physiotherapy visit portion (submit this to your third-party insurer) and the other receipt will be for the Emsella treatment itself which you cannot submit to your insurer. However, the Emsella receipt will reflect that it is a medical treatment so you can claim it as a medical expense at tax time.

  • The schedule above indicates the maximal number of pelvic floor physiotherapy appointments (consult and check-ins) you could have during your Emsella treatment series. You may elect to have fewer appointments at your discretion and in discussion with the physiotherapist. However, this also means that you will claim less of the total expense of treatment with your third-party insurer. But you can still claim the portion not covered by your third-party insurance as a medical expense for tax purposes.

  • ArtMed does not provide direct billing. You will pay for your treatment at the time of service and then submit the receipt for appointment with the physiotherapist to your third-party insurer. Many people submit through phone apps or online these days so this process should be relatively straightforward.

  • It is possible that the full cost of Emsella treatments may be covered by your HSA (up to the limit of your HSA coverage). Check with your plan to see if will cover the cost. Since Emsella is being provided in a medical facility and your receipt will reflect that it is likely to be eligible for coverage. You would pay for your treatment up front and then submit the receipt for reimbursement under your HSA.

  • The combination of Emsella plus the expertise of a pelvic floor physiotherapist is optimal when treating issues of incontinence. Your therapist will provide expert guidance to optimize Emsella results and may recommend additional treatment options to further address your unique continence/pelvic floor concerns. Many people have reported that working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist while undergoing Emsella treatment has provided an exceptional improvement in symptoms.

  • Your initially consult with the pelvic floor physiotherapist will be in-person at ArtMed. The consult will be 45 minutes long and you will have an opportunity to try the Emsella machine at this initial visit. **Please note that the in-person initial consultations are only available on Wednesday mornings between 9am and 11am.

    Follow up visits with the physiotherapist can be done virtually through video link and will be 30 minutes in length. Your physiotherapist will schedule those follow up virtual visits with you directly. Receipts for those visits will be provided when you come to ArtMed for your Emsella treatments.

  • Your physiotherapist will determine your treatment plan and decide whether you will be treated twice weekly or once weekly or if any adjustments to your schedule should be made.

    You will arrange your appointments for Emsella with the administrative staff at ArtMed once you have your treatment schedule.

    Please note that twice weekly treatment should be done at least 2 days apart and ideally 3 days apart - for example Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday.